The best way for a podcast to make stellar content for you is to get reviews on podcast sites—the bigger the better!

Help us continue our awesome upward trend by leaving positive feedback—we made it easy! Just click the link below, login to Apple Podcasts (Itunes—free, as always!) and leave us a review!

Apple Podcasts is the biggest podcast sharing site in the game—big names like Spotify even get their info from Apple Podcasts!

Because of Apple, you can only leave podcast reviews using a computer or iPhone/iPad (dang it, Apple! We have androids!)

How to review us on APPLE PODCASTS (ITUNES) if you’re on a computer or tablet:

  1. Make (or already have) an iTunes account. iTunes is a free app and service, and you can find ours and thousands of podcasts using iTunes.

  2. In the iTunes App, search podcasts for CULT AND CLASSIC, OR click the below link to go to our Apple Podcast page, and then click the “Listen on Apple Podcasts” link.

  3. That will take you to the iTunes page for the podcast, where you can leave you’re glowing review!

If you’re on an iPhone or iPad, here’s how to review us:

  1. Open up your iTunes App.

  2. Search podcasts for CULT AND CLASSIC. When you’ve found us, click on us.

  3. Use the review option there to leave a glowing review!

Here’s the link to our Apple Podcast page—leave a review, and we’ll always love you!